The IPRS team has been helping music creators and publishers for more than half a century, working tirelessly to protect their right to fair compensation for their creations. Our responsibility as a Copyright Society has gained significance as it relates to providing stability and security to creators in a rapidly changing music landscape.As we construct a new future for the music industry, the values of Solidarity, Resilience, Equality, and Honesty continue to motivate us.
Why join IPRS?
Technology’s rapid advancement has not only altered the way music is created and consumed, but it has also created a need to identify and protect creators' rights in the digital world. The landscape of copyright licensing and royalty collection is complex and ever-evolving. A Music Copyright Society like IPRS plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of music creators and ensuring fair compensation for their work.Collecting royalties from multiple users and platforms can be challenging for individual authors and composers like you. IPRS takes on the responsibility of collecting royalties on behalf of our members. It monitors the usage of music, tracks performances, and collects payments from users. IPRS then distributes these royalties to our respective members based on the usage of their works, ensuring that every member receive fair compensation for their musical compositions.