Role of IPRS

The IPRS team has been helping music creators and publishers for more than half a century, working tirelessly to protect their right to fair compensation for their creations. Our responsibility as a Copyright Society has gained significance as it relates to providing stability and security to creators in a rapidly changing music landscape.As we construct a new future for the music industry, the values of Solidarity, Resilience, Equality, and Honesty continue to motivate us.

Managing Your Rights

Our lives are encompassed in music. Embedded with both emotional and economic value, music, indeed, is the soundtrack to our lives. Royalties are the lifelong earnings of music creators. It is because of music copyright societies like IPRS that music publishers and creators reap the benefits of their hard work and creativity through royalties.

According to the Copyright Act of 1957, the following rights are among the exclusive rights granted to owners in respect of their works.

The first four rights are collectively known in the industry as ‘Performing Rights,’ while the last right is known as ‘Mechanical Rights,’ and are administered by IPRS on behalf of our members as assigned.

Benefits as a Member

Individual Artist Global Identity

As a member of IPRS, you get a unique global identity as a lyricist, composer, or publisher. Once a member, you are assigned an IPI number, which is a unique identification number. This identification number is registered with international organizations such as SUISA and CISAC. As a result, you now have a distinct identity that aids your recognition and the easy discovery of your profile and works around the world. Please keep a record of your IPI number and include it in all emails and other communications with IPRS.

Revenue for works being exploited

IPRS ensures that as a member you receive the due royalties when your works are commercially exploited. IPRS thus ensures that you reap the full benefit of your hard work and creativity.

Voting rights to elect the Board of Directors

IPRS is a 'By the Members, For the Members, and Of the Members' organization. Hence, as a member, you have the right to vote at the Annual General Meetings (AGM), voice your thoughts, and play a key part in driving the society ahead.

Eligible to join the Value-added programs

You receive free access to exclusive member programs and courses, value-added services, events, activities, and initiatives aimed at helping our members up-skill and connect with the best in the industry as a member. For regular updates on our planned activities and initiatives, please visit our website and follow IPRS on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We also urge you to contribute your ideas for what you'd like to know and learn for us to include in future sessions.

Voice for a cause

Our major goal at IPRS is to ensure that robust copyright rules are in place so that music creators and publishers may profit from their skill and hard work. You are then free to focus on what you do best - making music.

Entitled to Grants and Aids

As a member, you are also eligible for grants and aids, which are determined by policies laid and decided by the governing authority on a case-by-case basis.

Understanding Royalties

Royalties are paid to our members, who are authors, composers, and music publishers, as well as to our overseas affiliated societies, who transfer those royalties onto their members whose songs are played in India. These royalties are an important component of how creators can continue to make a living benefiting all.

Understanding Distribution

As the Company is a non-profit-making body, all the royalties it collects are distributed to its members and affiliated societies after deduction only of its administration costs as allowed by law. The net royalties are distributed to the members as far as possible in accordance with the extent to which their particular works have been broadcast or publicly performed and as per the IPRS Distribution Rules/Scheme (available at  Click Here). The royalties apportioned to each work are then distributed among the interested members and affiliated societies in accordance with their contracts and with the Company’s Rules.
IPRS is allowed by the Copyright Rules, 2013 to deduct up to 15% on account of administrative expenses.


  • What is Distribution cycle at IPRS?

    The general policy and structure for the IPRS Distribution Scheme follow the Scheme of Distribution mentioned in the Copyright Act, 1957 and Copyright Rules, 2013, and the Society’s Articles of Association, specifically Articles 31 and 32. IPRS distribution policies are subject to regular review. In line with the Copyright Rules, 2013, IPRS distributes royalties on a quarterly basis to its members.

  • What are the different Distribution Methodologies being followed by IPRS?

    Census: collecting and processing accurate music usage data for every performance within the license period.
    Sample: using statistically relevant sample information when music usage is highly repetitive or has a small repertoire.
    Analogies: using an analogy-based distribution method to distribute royalties when sufficient data is not available.
    Survey: distributing royalties based on a representative survey of music.

  • Recent developments benefitingIPRS members?

    We distribute royalties regularly as soon as they are collected, ensuring our members receive timely and fair compensation for their work. In addition to regular royalty distributions, IPRS also releases an annual transparency report for its members. This report provides a detailed breakdown of the revenue collected by the society, as well as information on the distribution methods used and the amounts paid to individual members. The report is designed to be easily understandable and provides a clear picture of how the society operates and how royalties are allocated to members. This helps to build trust and strong relationships between the society and its members.

    (a)Entitlement for backlog royalties post becoming a member
    (b)Distribution of royalties for films/serials (channel 50%share)
    (c)Logged and unlogged Royalty

    Why and when does a work get paid?
    A work gets paid when it is used or exploited in the form of public performances, broadcasts, digital streaming, synchronization in audiovisual productions, and more. It's important to note that the payment for work occurs after the music copyright society has collected the appropriate fees and royalties from the users or licensees. The society acts as a collective management organization, representing the interests of music creators and ensuring that they receive fair compensation for the use of their works. The timing of payments varies depending on the agreements, distribution schedules, and reporting cycles established by the music copyright society. Typically, societies distribute royalties on a regular basis, such as quarterly or annually, after collecting and processing the relevant user data and licensing fees. It is important for a work to be used or exploited under proper licensing agreements for it to be get paid. Music copyright societies like IPRS play a vital role in negotiating licenses, collecting fees, and distributing royalties to its members who are the authors, composers, and publishers of music, ensuring that they receive fair compensation for their creative works across various platforms and usages.

  • What are the best practices to be followed to ensure that you receive your royalty?

    The best practices to ensure that you receive your royalty are to register your works with IPRS, update your contact information, bank details, and works metadata regularly, respond to a communication from IPRS promptly, and provide accurate usage data to IPRS if you are a licensee using works of other IPRS members.

What is IPRS ?