Know your Music

With India’s rich cultural diversity, boasting 29 states, each with its unique language, traditions, and musical heritage, music in the country encompasses innumerable forms, deeply rooted in varied cultures. In a world where digitalization has made music accessible to all, IPRS recognized the importance of actively engaging with music, rather than being passive listeners.

On World Music Day 2021, the IPRS launched its ambitious #KnowYourMusic campaign that will take you on a Journey down the Music Lanes. The unique initiative will encompass a series of performances and forums to identify, nurture and promote different genres and facets of Indian Music.

The #KnowYourMusic initiative seeks to address these concerns by providing opportunities for the audience to engage meaningfully with music and encouraging a shift from passive listeners to engaged participants. The campaign’s focus is on identifying, nurturing, and promoting different genres and facets of Indian music through a series of performances and forums.

IPRS, as a copyright society supporting creators of music, took on the responsibility of nurturing an environment of a more engaged audience. Partnering with the Anahad Foundation, an NGO dedicated to the recognition, preservation, and evolution of Indian folk music, IPRS extended its reach to support creators who had been overlooked and unexplored.

On this occasion, Mr. Javed Akhtar, Chairman of IPRS said, “Enriched over millennia, Indian music has always stood out by its vast cultural diversity. Music styles like Folk, Ghazal, Devotional, Instrumental, etc. have been presented by the music creators in unison to celebrate life, love, joy, loss, and the human condition. However, we have realized that a vast number of today’s audiences have limited exposure and knowledge of these styles of music and their creators. It is time we purposefully indulge in music and help to build a community with a more engaged audience, thus fuelling a flourishing future for music and its creators. To address this crucial concern IPRS has initiated the #KNOWYOURMUSIC campaign to unfold the rich musical heritage of India and simultaneously create a forum to initiate engagement with music.”

Do the minutiae of the music intrigue us or have we become passive listeners of music? What will be its impact on the creativity and cultural heritage of a musically rich country like India? These are the questions that constantly concern the music creator community.

While new trends and technologies will influence the way Music is created, distributed, and discovered, IPRS believes that it is also the responsibility of the stakeholders in the music industry to help nurture an environment of a ‘more engaged audience’.

Commenting on the #KnowYourMusic campaign, ace lyricist, screenwriter & IPRS Board Member Mr. Mayur Puri said, “Today, audiences are turning into artists faster than a music video transition. As a result, the traditional line between the consumers and the creators is blurring like never before. At IPRS, we welcome these changes and acknowledge the need to evolve with the times. Though IPRS is a creator-first company at its core, we know that our consumers are turning into our members very fast. As a society, it is our responsibility to equip our future members better, spread awareness, and build appreciation towards our country’s rich musical heritage.”

Watch Now (Folk Music)

Watch Now (Indian Classical Music)

Watch Now (Devotional Music)-