The Indian Performing Right Society Ltd. (IPRS), as you see it today is not an overnight creation. The Company has evolved and emerged through good and rough weather during the past many years. It is a chronicle of our evolution through the years, and we continue to grow and adapt to better serve our community. Coming into existence on 23rd August 1969, the IPRS is a representative body of Owners of Music, viz. Composers, Lyricists (or Authors) and the Publishers of Music and is also the sole authorized body to issue licenses for the usage of Musical Works & Literary Music within India.. The task was onerous because the copyright situation in the country was unclear. Confusion over ownership rights prevailed. A lack of knowledge and information not only among the users of Copyright material but also the owners themselves was evident. The IPRS members themselves were also disinterested in the affairs of the company simply because they like the common man of the country, were unaware of the importance of copyright law and had little idea about the copyright business.
It gives me great pleasure to delve into the workings of The Indian Performing Right Society Ltd., India’s only music copyright society representing the authors, composers and publishers of music in India. Over what has been an arduous journey of over 5 decades the IPRS today stands on the cusp of a rising wave in the Indian music market. The fact that India will soon become the numero uno music market in the world is one of the happiest tidings of the recent times for the Indian music creator.
IPRS, over the years has been witness and a participant in this saga and as a true supporter of the music fraternity, especially those behind the music, is keen to see that the benefits accruing from this upsurge should eventually trickle down to the music makers comprising of the Authors, Composers and Music Publishers.
In its tryst at breaking new ground the IPRS has been inking significant licensing tie-ups with local and international players steering in an upsurge in revenue collections and subsequently raking in higher royalties for our members.
As today’s Music Copyright society, given the shape-shifting nature of the music business, it is binding upon us to be multitentacled in our approach at any given time. Advanced technology, AI, and a host of other factors have each affected a seismic shift in every area of music including conception, production and consumption.
While there are a large number of upsides in the offing, there remain a series of vexing issues like non-compliance, lack of credit, consumption of music for free, that need to be erased from the public mind-map.
With digital platforms enveloping the musical arena, the role of a contemporary Music Copyright society like the IPRS is much more expansive than earlier. Stoked up by the surfeit of music gushing in from incipient independent artists apart from the established and the iconic, IPRS has stepped up to the plate and gone the whole hog in their collection efforts. With Indian music gaining popularity across countries, the global territory becomes the new big bang model of operation for the IPRS.
Also, negotiating for fair compensation for creators with music users across platforms is a major responsibility of the IPRS. Investing in technology for transparency, collection and distribution through impeccable data management is also a critical element of the IPRS functioning.
Coming up with a series of ongoing awareness campaigns and initiatives for the rights and royalties of our members like “Credit the Creators”, Fair Pay and Fair Play, My Music My Rights, and also helping them financially in difficult times, the IPRS has become a pillar of strength for the creators and publishers of music, and a significant player in the fast-evolving music industry today.
While being graced with exponential growth as a copyright society, IPRS also is keen to see that compliance to license acquisition is adhered to as mandated by the law. Acquiring a music license brings to the fore various advantages for businesses. These include offering a wider repertoire, opportunity for curated playlists, brand goodwill as an ethical user, while also supporting music creators and creativity and helping avoid legal tangles. The fact that the IPRS is pivotal to the multifarious activities of a throbbing music culture of the day is a moment of pride for me.
The journey till date has hardly been “melodious” in the literal sense of the term. In fact, it has been arduous & has taken a mix of compassion, steely determination and foresight at various times to stand up for the music of the land and those behind it in all situations. As a series of new-age challenges beckon the IPRS, there is renewed hope and enthusiasm that augurs well for our immortal musical future and legacy in the coming times.
Let the music move you!