IPRS ranked as the 5th largest Society by revenue in the Asia-Pacific region
Capturing the worldwide study, CISAC has just released its Global Collections Report for 2022 (based on 2021 collections data).The Paris-based International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) is the apex body of 228 Authors’ Societies in 119 countries representing more than 4Mn creators.
Read more: https://loudest.in/business/iprs-ranked-as-the-5th-largest-society-by-revenue-in-the-asia-pacific-region-15941.html
Court to ESG: Pay Rs 5.8L for infringing song copyrights
A local court has directed the Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) to pay Rs 5.8 lakh to the Indian Performing Right Society Ltd (IPRS) for copyright infringement at Kingfisher village, which hosted concerts during the International Film Festival of India in Panaji a few years ago. The court also restrained ESG from holding any such concerts under the umbrella of Iffi that would violate copyrights.
Read more: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/court-to-esg-pay-rs-5-8l-for-infringing-song-copyrights/articleshow/94651319.cms
The Dummy’s Guide to Music Production as an Indie Artist
Up until a few decades ago, the idea of a home studio and recording a release-worthy single or album was unheard of. Now we have Grammy winners like Finneas who managed to achieve that all while producing from his bedroom. It really puts the pandemic in perspective for a lot of us working from home. Music-making now has become so ubiquitous that the knowledge and process of how a song used to be made are no longer reserved for the omniscient members of the audio engineering community or record executives chomping on cigars. Gone are the days where you need expensive outboard gear and large purpose-built studios to go and record – as a studio owner,
Read more: https://rollingstoneindia.com/rolling-stone-podium-dummys-guide-to-music-production-indie-artist/
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