Dear Music Creators
With the festive season beckoning, the time for celebration is upon us. As has been the scenario for years the one thing that towers over every other means of joy and mirth is music. Every possible event venue ceremony including restaurants, clubs and auditoria has music as its major source of entertainment. A celebration without music is merely an assemblage of people huddled together in a space. Take away the music and there is a void petering into nothingness.
Live events and shows are the flavor of the season and draw the maximum mileage in terms of public adulation, business and income generation. It is the time of the year when music creators like you are in an elevated zone. Everything else besides performing and expanding your fan base appears hazy and trivial. For artists, it is the best time to display their glitz …like it must be.
A few important issues though get pushed under the carpet and come to haunt you over time. These need to be implemented for the overall smooth functioning of the festive and concert season.
We at IPRS would like to remind our dear music creators of the general guidelines to be followed at all times as you gear up for your acts.
Music in India, like everywhere else in the world, is not available for free. As music creators you involve your talent time and effort in generating the music you create and need to be respected and compensated fairly. It is therefore our earnest appeal to you to insist your event managers and hosts acquire the license for the music you are going to perform at the events. This is mainly because you end up losing royalty income as the song/s you perform are not licensed and hence do not come in the purview of societies like the IPRS who are trying their best to get you optimum compensation in every possible way.
The music license also ensures that you continue to get the royalty accruing to you from all the different venues where your song is performed even by a different set of performers. Rest assured, that this license acquisition will also benefit your team of creators who have contributed to the creation. Creators need to realize that any business functions best when it is a level playing field. IPRS urges Creators to being to mind the fact that that acquisition of a music license is legally binding upon music users. Music License is also one of the chief catalysts ensuring the smooth functioning of the music ecosystem. Circumventing these rules whittles down the importance of the music community.Please do yourself a favor and insist on a license at all the venues you perform.
You could do that before you step up to do your party piece.
Happy performing…
Musically yours,
Dear Music Users
With the festive season beckoning, the time for celebration is upon us. As has been the scenario for years the one thing that towers over every other means of joy and mirth is music. Every possible event venue including restaurants, clubs and auditoria has music as its major source of entertainment. A celebration without music is merely an assemblage of people huddled together in a space. Take away the music and there is a void petering into nothingness.
Live events and shows are the flavor of the season and draw the maximum mileage in terms of public adulation, business and income generation. It is the time of the year when music users like yourself are busy arranging marquee events, music shows and year end parties.
As music users you’d be cognizant of the fact that one of the biggest draws for you is the music you play. It is the music which in many cases brings in the first-time customer who then evolves into a regular patron. The importance of music to your business cannot be overstated.
Customers tend to stay longer and spend more time and consequently more money in restaurants, clubs and events with the great music they hear.
A few important issues though get pushed under the carpet and need to be implemented for the overall smooth functioning of the festive season. We at IPRS would like to remind our dear music users of the general guidelines to be followed at all times as you gear up for your events.
Music in India, like everywhere else in the world, is not available for free. As business people it is important that you pay for the music you use. The creators who invest their time and talent in creating the music you play need to be respected and compensated fairly. Last but not the least; it is also legally binding upon the users to acquire a license for any music they use. As responsible business people ensuring the smooth functioning of the music ecosystem is incumbent upon you. Circumventing these rules whittles down the importance of the music community and comes to mar your business prospects in the long run.
Go ahead. Take that license.
See your bottom-line swell like never before in the festive season and for all times
Musically yours